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This is the 1.5th post of a 3 part post to explore google’s Sentence Piece’s(SP) tokenizing power.

This one is optional. I’m just looking at distribution of words and their frequencies.

At the end, I have also included a little example of how each tokenizer tokenizes the first line of Milton’s paradise lost differently.

%load_ext autoreload
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  %reload_ext autoreload
import os
import time
from fastai.text import *
import sys

from create_toks import *
import sentencepiece as spm
from fastai.text import *
import math
sp64_lower = spm.SentencePieceProcessor()
sp32_lower = spm.SentencePieceProcessor()
sp16_lower = spm.SentencePieceProcessor()
sp8_lower = spm.SentencePieceProcessor()
import pandas as pd

Vocabuary Statistics

def getVocabCount(vsize):
    vocab_f_str = 'data/imdb_lm_spm/model_'+ str(vsize) +'k_lowercase.vocab'
    vocabnum = []
    with open(vocab_f_str, 'r') as f: 
        vocabnum = f.readlines()
    print(f'Last 25 words included by {vsize}k vocab model:')
    return np.array([float(vn.split()[-1]) for vn in vocabnum])
v_counts = []
vocabs = [8, 16, 32, 64]
min_prob = 0
for i in vocabs: 
    v_count = getVocabCount(i)
    v_counts = v_counts + [v_count]
    min_prob = min(min_prob, np.min(v_count))
Last 25 words included by 8k vocab model:
['▁administration\t-12.1174\n', '▁applause\t-12.1174\n', '▁humiliate\t-12.1174\n', '▁lubitsch\t-12.1174\n', '▁pfeiffer\t-12.1174\n', '▁stephanie\t-12.1174\n', '▁swift\t-12.1174\n', 'worst\t-12.1229\n', '▁complicat\t-12.1246\n', '▁miyazaki\t-12.1282\n']
Last 25 words included by 16k vocab model:
['▁infuriate\t-13.1477\n', '▁kessler\t-13.1477\n', '▁uninterested\t-13.1477\n', '▁veidt\t-13.1477\n', '▁zelah\t-13.1477\n', '▁albino\t-13.1477\n', '▁goliath\t-13.1477\n', '▁squire\t-13.1477\n', '▁(1997)\t-13.1477\n', '▁edmond\t-13.1477\n']
Last 25 words included by 32k vocab model:
['▁antonietta\t-14.423\n', '▁appetizing\t-14.423\n', '▁aronofsky\t-14.423\n', '▁atlantean\t-14.423\n', '▁barjatya\t-14.423\n', '▁bierko\t-14.423\n', '▁borchardt\t-14.423\n', '▁bostwick\t-14.423\n', '▁brettschneider\t-14.423\n', '▁broinowski\t-14.423\n']
Last 25 words included by 64k vocab model:
['▁etahn\t-16.1253\n', '▁ethnocentrism\t-16.1253\n', '▁eubanks\t-16.1253\n', '▁evanescence\t-16.1253\n', '▁evigan\t-16.1253\n', '▁exagerated\t-16.1253\n', '▁excrutiating\t-16.1253\n', '▁expatiate\t-16.1253\n', '▁expiation\t-16.1253\n', '▁expresion\t-16.1253\n']
bins = np.linspace(min_prob, 0, 100)
for c, size in zip(v_counts, vocabs):
    plt.hist(c, bins, alpha=0.4, label=str(size) + 'k')
plt.legend(loc='upper right')


tokenizing power

milton_lower = "OF Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit \n" + \
"Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast  \n" +  \
    "Brought Death into the World, and all our woe,  \n" +  \
    "With loss of Eden, till one greater Man  \n" +  \
    "Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat, \n" +  \
    "Sing Heav'nly Muse, that on the secret top  \n" +  \
    "Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire  \n" +  \
    "That Shepherd, who first taught the chosen Seed,  \n" +  \
    "In the Beginning how the Heav'ns and Earth  \n" +  \
    "Rose out of Chaos: or if Sion Hill  \n" +  \
    "Delight thee more, and Siloa's brook that flow'd  \n" +  \
    "Fast by the Oracle of God; I thence  \n" +  \
    "Invoke thy aid to my adventrous Song,  \n" +  \
    "That with no middle flight intends to soar  \n" +  \
    "Above th' Aonian Mount, while it pursues  \n" +  \
    "Things unattempted yet in Prose or Rhime. "
milton_lower = milton_lower.lower()
def printEncodedSentence(tokenizer, sentence):    
    print(''.join([' ' + s[1:] if (s[0]=='▁') else '-' + s for s in tokenizer.EncodeAsPieces(milton_lower)]))

vocabs = [8, 16, 32, 64]
sps = [sp8_lower, sp16_lower, sp32_lower, sp64_lower]
for v, sp in zip(vocabs, sps):
    print(f'tokenizer {v}k vocab')
    printEncodedSentence(sp, milton_lower)
tokenizer 8k vocab
 of man-s first dis-ob-ed-i-ence-, and the fruit -
-of that for-bi-d-den tree-, who-se mortal ta-s-t -
-b-rough-t death into the world-, and all our wo-e-, -
-with loss of e-den-, till one greater man -
-re-store us-, and regain the bliss-ful seat-, -
-s-ing he-av-'-n-ly mu-se-, that on the secret top -
-of or-e-b-, or of sin-a-i-, did-s-t inspire -
-that shepherd-, who first taught the chosen see-d-, -
-in the beginning how the he-av-'-ns and earth -
-ro-se out of chaos-: or if -s-ion hill -
-de-light the-e more-, and si-lo-a-'-s -brook that flow-'-d -
-fa-s-t by the or-a-cle of god-; i the-nce -
-in-vo-ke th-y aid to my a-d-ven-t-rous song-, -
-that with no middle flight intend-s to so-ar -
-a-bo-ve th-' a-on-ian mount-, while it pursue-s -
-th-ing-s un-at-t-empt-ed yet in pro-se or r-hi-me-.
tokenizer 16k vocab
 of man-s first dis-ob-ed-i-ence-, and the fruit -
-of that forbidden tree-, who-se mortal ta-s-t -
-b-rough-t death into the world-, and all our woe-, -
-with loss of ed-en-, till one greater man -
-re-store us-, and regain the blissful seat-, -
-s-ing he-av-'-n-ly muse-, that on the secret top -
-of or-e-b-, or of sin-a-i-, did-s-t inspire -
-that shepherd-, who first taught the chosen seed-, -
-in the beginning how the he-av-'-ns and earth -
-rose out of chaos-: or if -s-ion hill -
-de-light the-e more-, and sil-o-a-'-s -brook that flow-'-d -
-fast by the or-a-cle of god-; i the-nce -
-in-vo-ke -thy aid to my advent-rous song-, -
-that with no middle flight intend-s to so-ar -
-a-bo-ve th-' a-on-ian mount-, while it pursue-s -
-thing-s un-at-t-empt-ed yet in pro-se or r-hi-me-.
tokenizer 32k vocab
 of man-s first dis-ob-ed-i-ence-, and the fruit -
-of that forbidden tree-, who-se mortal ta-s-t -
-b-rough-t death into the world-, and all our woe-, -
-with loss of eden-, till one greater man -
-re-store us-, and regain the blissful seat-, -
-s-ing he-av-'-n-ly muse-, that on the secret top -
-of or-eb-, or of sin-a-i-, did-s-t inspire -
-that shepherd-, who first taught the chosen seed-, -
-in the beginning how the he-av-'-ns and earth -
-rose out of chaos-: or if -s-ion hill -
-de-light the-e more-, and sil-o-a-'-s brook that flow-'-d -
-fast by the oracle of god-; i the-nce -
-in-vo-ke -thy aid to my advent-rous song-, -
-that with no middle flight intends to soar -
-above th-' a-on-ian mount-, while it pursues -
-things un-attempt-ed yet in prose or r-him-e-.
tokenizer 64k vocab
 of man-s first disobedience-, and the fruit -
-of that forbidden tree-, who-se mortal tas-t -
-brought death into the world-, and all our woe-, -
-with loss of eden-, till one greater man -
-re-store us-, and regain the blissful seat-, -
-s-ing he-av-'-n-ly muse-, that on the secret top -
-of or-eb-, or of sina-i-, did-s-t inspire -
-that shepherd-, who first taught the chosen seed-, -
-in the beginning how the he-av-'-ns and earth -
-rose out of chaos-: or if -sion hill -
-de-light the-e more-, and silo-a-'-s brook that flow-'-d -
-fast by the oracle of god-; i the-nce -
-invo-ke -thy aid to my advent-rous song-, -
-that with no middle flight intends to soar -
-above th-' a-on-ian mount-, while it pursues -
-things un-attempted yet in prose or rhi-me-.